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Bulletin July 5

Writer's picture: St. Mary's ChurchSt. Mary's Church

A successful reopening

Last weekend, we reopened our church for public Mass. Thankfully, all went well. There were 60 people in attendance at the 4:00 PM Vigil Mass, 80 people at the 8:30 AM Mass and ____ at the 11:15 AM Mass. It was so good to see parishioners again for the celebration of Mass. For months, I’ve been celebrating Mass alone each day or in company with Matt Duclos, our seminarian. Even though your faces were masked last Sunday, it was a joy to be around the table of the Lord with you again. I want to thank our parish’s Reopening Team for their hard work preparing for last weekend and for their assistance during the weekend Masses. Sincere thanks to Tim McNulty, our Pandemic Safety Officer, and committee members Kathy McNulty, Peter Anzovino, Joan Grishkot, Mike Geraci, Sandy Monahan, Tom Clohosey and custodian Bill Englert. We also thank the many volunteers who came forward to assist with other important tasks including sanitizing the church after Masses. An anonymous donor also paid for the complete cleaning and sanitizing of the church by North Country Janitorial Services during the week prior to reopening. We thank that anonymous donor for their generosity. Volunteers are still needed for ongoing help with our reopening. If interested, please see Tim McNulty or call the Rectory.

The dispensation from the obligation to attend Mass on Sundays continues

Bishop Scharfenberger continues to grant a dispensation to all Catholics from the obligation to attend Sunday Mass each weekend until further notice. The elderly, the frail and the sick are encouraged to stay home at this time and watch livestreamed or televised Masses.

The pandemic continues

Though New York State is faring well with regard to new cases of the coronavirus, many parts of the nation are facing alarming rates of infection. Most of us are weary of taking precautions because of the length of time we’ve been in quarantine. I want to add my voice to those of our civic authorities and medical community that this is not the time to relax the use of masks, hand sanitizing or social distancing. We have to stay vigilant.

Wear masks to church at all times

Please wear your mask to, and in, church. Keep your faces covered throughout the Mass and lift it only when placing the consecrated Host in your mouth at Holy Communion-time. Currently, governmental guidelines allow us to seat 133 people in the pews at any given time. The Reopening Team and volunteers will show you where to sit when you arrive for Mass which will insure proper social distancing. Guidelines discourage gathering in the church after services for socializing.

Re-scheduled First Holy Communion

Our second graders and their families have been waiting patiently to receive their First Holy Communion, an event usually scheduled for early Mass. We’ve re-scheduled First Holy Communion on three successive Saturdays this month at 11:00 AM, July 11, 18 and 25. Early congratulations to our second graders who have worked so hard during this time of pandemic in preparation for their first reception of the Church’s greatest treasure, the Holy Eucharist.

Re-scheduled RCIA meeting

The RCIA group has been on hold since the pandemic began in March. The group will gather again on Thursday, July 16th at 7:00 PM in the Rectory yard (behind the Rectory). This will insure proper social distancing.

Welcome Gordon Paul

We congratulate Gordon Paul, a member of the RCIA group, who was received into the Church at few weeks ago at a private Mass. Gordon and his wife Jean have been active members of the RCIA group for two years. Gordon has been a part of our parish for several years and his formal reception into the Church is an occasion of great joy for him, his wife and all of us.

Are you receiving The Evangelist in the mail?

The Evangelist is our diocesan Catholic newspaper, published each week and sent, by mail, to countless Catholics in our 14-county Albany diocese. It has come to our attention that many parishioners are not receiving a weekly copy in the mail. We want to put each and every active Catholic parishioner of St. Mary’s on our mailing list. Not only does the newspaper contain news about events around the diocese, it includes spiritual and ongoing formational materials which help us live our Catholic lives every day. If you are not receiving a copy in your weekly mail, please call the Rectory or email Robin: to get on our list. There is no cost to you. This is an important resource for you and your family. Please take advantage of this offer!



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