Dear Parish Family,
Last week, I introduced you to Joe and Thomas, two of the new Catholics we’ll welcome into
our faith family at the Easter Vigil on March 30. Today I’d like to introduce you to Jacobe, Ariel and Maura so you can know their sacred stories.
Jacobe Wendell (pronounced “Jacob”) grew up in Fort Edward. Although his family didn’t
practice any particular faith, he was baptized Methodist, and, after graduation, enrolled in
Niagara University in Western New York, founded by the Vincentians (the followers of the
famous St. Vincent de Paul). There he met Mikayla, a wonderful young Catholic woman from
Buffalo, and he began to experiencing an insider’s view of the beauty of the Catholic faith.
After graduation, he moved back to our area where he works as an Application Architect (a
computer information science specialist) at Glens Falls Hospital. Jacob says: “Life without God as an integral part is far too empty and meaningless. I wish to grow closer to God and to come to full communion with the Lord. Before I marry and start a family, I feel a desire to develop my spirit.” Mikayla, who now works as a college campus minister and works to nurture the faith of young people on a daily basis, will be present to witness Jacobe’s First Eucharist and Confirmation on March 30.
Ariel Guyett is a familiar face to everyone who worships on weekends at St. Mary’s. Ariel sings in the choir at all three Masses every weekend with her mother, Doreen. Ariel grew up going to Gospel Lighthouse, her father’s Assembly of God church in Hudson Falls. Doreen was Catholic and always wanted to return to the faith of her childhood. Ariel appreciates her Assembly of God roots, but like her mother, feels strongly drawn to the Catholic faith. Soon, she’ll be doing more than helping lead the singing each weekend. “I want to truly be part of the church by receiving the Eucharist,” she says. “I’ve always love to sing and dance. That’s why I love being in the choir. Sometimes I wish life were a musical.” Ariel will love the music of the Easter Vigil, one of the most majestic events imaginable, where she will be fully initiated as a Catholic through the Sacraments of Eucharist and Confirmation.
After a long journey, Maura Fox is coming home. She was raised Catholic and attended
Catholic School K-12, but some rough childhood experiences caused her to look elsewhere for inspiration. She tried a number of different denominations, but something was always missing. She and her ex-husband and daughter came to Glens Falls for work in 1988 and she knew she’d found her home. She is a master gardener (dahlias are her favorite) and feels that “weeding” is a great metaphor for the journey of rooting out of her life what doesn’t belong so she can get to the essentials. Although the journey has been long, she knows God has never given up on her. “God has been the one giving me hope and healing my heart from painful situations. He has been the perfect teacher, providing the right lesson at the right time. Some he had to repeat over and over. He never gave up on me.” When she hears the song “Here I Am, Lord,” see hears her soul singing along. Her daughter and son-in-law work for the State Department and are stationed with Maura’s grandson in Jordan. They hope to watch on the livestream a week from Saturday as Maura is Confirmed at the Easter Vigil.
Isn’t it moving to hear the ways that God is at work in the lives of people who are becoming
Catholic? I hope you can join us on March 30 at 8 PM to witness the blessed initiation of
Maura, Ariel, Jacobe, Thomas and Joe.
