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Searching for Belonging?

"Let the Church always be a place of mercy and hope,
where everyone is welcomed, loved, and forgiven."
-Pope Francis-

Join St. Mary's RCIA Program,
and Find Your Purpose!


Join Us

Here at St. Mary's, the RCIA program is a place to develop their relationship with God and the Catholic Church.


The RCIA program is for adults seeking entrance into the Catholic Church, whether they never baptized or are from another Christian denomination. 


If you are searching for a sense of belonging and fellowship, at St. Mary's Church, we hope that you listen to the prompting of the Holy Spirit, and connect with us on your faith journey.​


  • What does "RCIA" mean?

RCIA stands for "Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults."


  • What do you do in an RCIA program?

The RCIA process introduces you to the beliefs and practices of the Roman Catholic Church. It helps you explore what it means to be a Christian. It prepares you to enter fully into our community of faith through the sacraments of BaptismConfirmation, and Eucharist.  The program enables interested persons into the teaching and life of the Church and our parish.


  • When does the program start?

The program begins each September and, normally, participants are received into the Church at the Easter Vigil in the spring.  Each candidate establishes his or her own timetable for entering the Church, however.


  • How do I join the RCIA program?

Click one of the links below to either call the Rectory or to email Jean & Gordon Paul, our RCIA directors, to get started on your Catholic journey.


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